North Bay Watershed Association Members

Member Details

The North Bay Watershed Association is a group of 18 regional and local public agencies located throughout Marin, Sonoma, and Napa Counties. The NBWA brings together regulated North Bay public agencies to address issues of common interest that cross political boundaries and to promote stewardship of the North Bay watershed resources. NBWA Board of Directors’ Meetings are held once a month, usually on the first Friday of the month (meeting information). All meetings are open to the public.

Central Marin Sanitation Agency
Delegate: Michael Boorstein, Alternate: Jason Dow

City of American Canyon
Delegate: Piere Washington, Alternate: Brando Cruz

City of Novato
Delegate: Pat Eklund

City of Petaluma
Delegate: John Shribbs Alternate: Alex DeCarli

City of San Rafael
Delegate: Kate Hagemann, Alternate: Cory Bytof

City of Sonoma
Delegate: Ron Wellander, Alternate: Jack Ding

County of Marin
Delegate: Mary Sackett, Alternate: Crystal Martinez

County of Napa
Delegate: Amber Manfree, Alternate: Belia Ramos

County of Sonoma
Delegate: Rebecca Hermosillo, Alternate: David Rabbitt

Las Gallinas Valley Sanitary District
Delegate: Megan Clark

Marin County Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program
Delegate: Rob Carson, Alternate: Howard Bunce

Marin Municipal Water District
Delegate: Larry Russell, Alternate: Ranjiv Khush 

Napa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District
Delegate: ___________, Alternate: Rick Thomasser

Napa Sanitation District
Delegate: Joelle Gallagher

North Marin Water District
Delegate: Rick Fraites, Alternate: Tony Williams

Novato Sanitary District
Delegate: Jean Mariani, Alternate: Sandeep Karkal

Ross Valley Sanitary District
Delegate: Pamela Meigs

Solano County Water Agency
Delegate: Elizabeth Patterson , Alternate: Chris Lee

Sonoma Water
Delegate: Grant Davis, Alternate: Brad Sherwood

Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District
Delegate: Rachel Hundley

City of Mill Valley
Delegate: Bob Peterson

Sewerage Agency of Southern Marin
Delegate: Mark Grushayev

The Bay Institute
Delegate: Peter Vorster

Tomales Bay Watershed Council
Delegate: Neysa King, Alternate: Rob Carson

Future Board Meetings

Past Board Meetings

See past meetings in the Library