2011-2013 PROJECTS

Adapting to Sea Level Rise Along the North Bay Shoreline

prepared for NBWA by PRBO, 2013 (9.27 MB)

Handbook for Estimating Economic Benefits of Environmental Projects

prepared for NBWA by ECONorthwest, 2013 (3.04 MB)

Watershed Videos

developed by KRCB for NBWA, RRWA , and SCWA, 2012

Slow it. Spread it. Sink it!

NBWA provided funding to SSCRCD for final printing, 2011



Adapting to Climate Change — State of the Science for North Bay Watersheds (A Guide for Managers)

prepared by the Dwight Center for Conservation Science at Pepperwood in partnership
with the US Geological Survey and the Bay Area Open Space Council, December 2010 (3.89 MB)

North Bay Fisheries Monitoring Program

prepared for NBWA by the Center for Ecosystem Management and Restoration
(CEMAR), June 2010 (6.11 MB)



North Bay Watershed Association — Marin Lateral Program Report

Larson Consulting, 12/7/09 (793 KB)



2008-2009 Projects

5/29/08 (71 KB)

Proposals – Attachments to Item 9

Fact Sheet Project – 5/2/08 (27 KB)

Pilot Conservation Proposal – 5/2/08 (26 KB)

Performance Measures & Indicators – 5/2/08 (54 KB)

Consolidated Grant Proposal for Non-Point Source Projects

Final Project Report – May 2008 (878 KB)

Indicators and Performance Measures for North Bay Watershed

Final Report – January 11, 2010
San Francisco Estuary Institute, The Bay Institute, and the Sonoma Ecology Center (1.6 MB)

Miller Creek Pilot Watershed Project

Michelle LeBeau, The Watershed Project, and Meredith Williams, San Francisco Estuary Institute, 3/7/08 (2.4 MB)
*Click here to see the NEW website for Miller Creek Watershed – Historic Ecology Pilot Project

NBWA Digital Library Project

Executive Summary (114 KB)
to access catalogs, information and other resources available via links to other websites

NBWA Digital Library Project

Update with Visuals – Deanne DiPietro, Sonoma Ecology Center, 4/6/07 (3.3 MB)

Promoting Multi-Benefit Water Projects in the North Bay and the Greater Bay Area

Final Draft – September 2007
Arthur Dawson & Caitlin Cornwall, Sonoma Ecology Center, 7/16/08 (222 KB)

Promoting Multi-Benefit Water Projects in the North Bay Watershed Association Region and the Greater Bay Area

Caitlin Cornwall and Arthur Dawson – Sonoma Ecology Center, 7/6/07 (501 KB)

SFEI Final Monitoring Report

Cost-Effective, Applicable Monitoring Approaches to Address the Resource Objectives
of the North Bay Watershed Association, 5/24/07 (737 KB)

NBWA Stewardship Plan Projects Database Update

Deanne DiPietro, Sonoma Ecology Center 10/6/06 (667 KB)