The Montezuma Wetlands project, located at the confluence of where fresh and saltwater meet in the SF Bay Delta Estuary, is a unique private initiative that has successfully begun to address two important societal challenges – the historic loss of wetlands and finding a responsible and beneficial use for millions of cubic yards of sediments dredged annually from San Francisco Bay Area ports, harbors, and channels.
Operational since 2003, the project has served as a model for the safe and beneficial reuse of dredged sediments. Due to its location and the importance of smelt and salmonids in the regional ecology, the restoration of over 1,800 acres at Montezuma has bird and fisheries benefits that extend to the far reaches of the SF Estuary. The Montezuma project is also key for the region to fulfill the Fish Restoration Program Plan which requires restoration of 8,000 acres of intertidal and subtidal habitat, including a minimum of 800 acres in the Suisun subregion. For additional information, visit
We will be treated to a guided tour and talk by informed project management staff.