City of Petaluma Ellis Creek Treatment Plant

  1. Events
  2. Venues
  3. City of Petaluma Ellis Creek Treatment Plant
Events at this venue

NBWA Board Meeting

City of Petaluma Ellis Creek Treatment Plant 3890 Cypress Drive, Petaluma, CA, United States

This is a hybrid meeting. Those wishing to attend virtually can access the meeting via Zoom Join Zoom Meeting: Webinar ID: 816 3067 3971 Password: 216460

NBWA Board Meeting

City of Petaluma Ellis Creek Treatment Plant 3890 Cypress Drive, Petaluma, CA, United States

MEETING WILL BE HELD AT THE City of Petaluma: Ellis Creek Water Recycling Facility. For those wishing to attend virtually Join Zoom Meeting: Webinar ID: 816 3067 3971 Password: 216460

Event Series NBWA Board Meetings

NBWA Board Meeting

City of Petaluma Ellis Creek Treatment Plant 3890 Cypress Drive, Petaluma, CA, United States

For those wishing to attend virtually, Zoom will be available.Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 816 3067 3971Passcode: 216460