2012 North Bay Watershed Association Conference
Climate Change: How Can We Be Ready?
April 13, 2012
Sheraton Petaluma
Petaluma, California
Science: What Will Be The Impacts On Water Supply,
Sanitation, Habitat And Flooding?
- Rebecca Smyth, NOAA Coastal Services Center
Climate: Are you poised for change? - David Behar, San Francisco Public Utilities Commission
Preparing for Climate Change: An Assessment Perspective - Lisa Micheli, Ph.D., Pepperwood Foundation
Climate Vulnerability of North Bay Watersheds - Patrick Barnard, Ph.D., USGS Watershed Management
How do we assess the physical and ecological effects of
climate change on the San Francisco Bay margin?
Sea Level Rise: How Can We Adapt?
- Sam Schuchat, California State Coastal Conservancy
California’s Actions on Sea-Level Rise - Will Travis, One Bay Area
Sea Level Rise: How Can We Adapt?
Bay Area Policies and Programs - Samuel Veloz, Ph.D., PRBO Conservation Science
Can we improve coastal adaptation planning by using models
of tidal marsh accretion in response to sea level rise? - Jeremy Lowe, ESA PWA
How can we adapt Bay shorelines to accommodate rising sea levels?
Flood Management And Watershed Health: How Can We Improve Both?
- Jim McGrath, RWQCB
Looking towards the future and changing the way we manage our streams - Ellie Cohen, PRBO Conservation Science
Creeks, Critters and Climate: Watershed Restoration for a Secure Future - Meredith Williams, Ph.D., SFEI
Napa River: Resilience through Complexity - Mike Thompson, SCWA
Water, Environmental, and Community Resources
afternoon keynote SPEAKER: Jared Huffman